Sign up to view this video Join Now Build + Go Hard, Postpartum Core Essentials, Tiny Gem Tutorials, Postpartum is Forever, • 1/24/25 (mini) lower body strength quickie (6 min) This is a brief lower body workout using resistance bands! You can do this as a stand-alone or repeat 2-3x for a fuller workout.Props: 2 blocks or a step up block, bands Previous (mini) upper body strength quickie Next (mini) upper + lower body quickie You Might Also Like Period Vibes (spicy) Reclined Hamstring Stretch (Supta Padangusthasana) Active Psoas Lengthening The Other Side of the Equation (spicy) Lengthen Through The Muck
Sign up to view this video Join Now Build + Go Hard, Postpartum Core Essentials, Tiny Gem Tutorials, Postpartum is Forever, • 1/24/25 (mini) lower body strength quickie (6 min) This is a brief lower body workout using resistance bands! You can do this as a stand-alone or repeat 2-3x for a fuller workout.Props: 2 blocks or a step up block, bands Previous (mini) upper body strength quickie Next (mini) upper + lower body quickie You Might Also Like Period Vibes (spicy) Reclined Hamstring Stretch (Supta Padangusthasana) Active Psoas Lengthening The Other Side of the Equation (spicy) Lengthen Through The Muck