Welcome to Ritual Movement.
A space for building resilience, strength, and ease in your pelvis, body, and mind.
Click on any video to start your journey!
(mini) upper body strength quickie
(5.5 min) This is a quick upper body workout using bands!
(mini) lower body strength quickie
(6 min) This is a brief lower body workout using resistance bands!
(mini) upper + lower body quickie
(6.5 min) This is a brief workout using resistance bands to strengthen your whole body!
Rising up
(29 min) This is a flow focused on building lower body strength and mobility necessary to physically get yourself off the floor — physically and emotionally!
The Foundation: Lower Body Strength
(41 min) This is a full lower body workout! Enjoy lunges, step ups, and deadlifts with resistance that makes sense for your body and where it’s currently at. Expect to work posterior chain (glutes, hammies) and some quads, too!
Drop & Shoot
(3 min) This is a spicy and challenging way to work hip rotation as well as some glute and upper body strength! Please note that you should feel very comfy in a deep squat to do this successfully. if that’s not the case, try Sumo Squat Twist.
Props: 1-3 lb hand weights.
Sagittal Space Strength work
(40 min) This strength work uses the sagittal (forward/back) plane to do a lot of lunge variations with some rotation work thrown in.
Rotate and Spin
(29 min) This is a “sneaky core” class designed to activate deep core muscles and glutes through fun, rotational movement. Expect the unexpected!
Secretly Tough AF Pilates
(24 min) It’s not really Pilates, let’s be clear. But this Slow Work Strength class utilizes Pilates-type movements with resistance to support thoracic rotation and hip extension!
The Galaxy of Your Hips
This slow work flow class works into the hips while utilizing nervous system regulation strategies to deeply calm your whole being!
Bounce Jump Impact Tutorial
If you're struggling with incontinence in relation to impact (jumping, running, etc.) this is for you!
The Mama Evolution (medium)
This is a super fun, beautiful class that focuses on primal human movement as an evolution from baby to grown up.
Upside Down Jumps
If you're working on getting into a high impact sport but struggling with incontinence or prolapse, then this is for you!
Core Bridge (Reformer Edition)
If you have access to a long pullup band, this is a wonderful way to do one of my favorite exercises!
Space And Flow (medium + spicy)
If you're in a place where you need to take up your own space, this is for you.
Torch Your Glutes
This is a tiny gem with two exercises that pack a huge punch when it comes to both lengthening and strengthening the glutes at the same time!
High Kneeling Hinge With Halo
This is a multitasking movement that is fantastic for folks struggling with glute and core weakness.
The Big Hip Work
This is a full spectrum class for the pelvis that strengthens and lengthens both the front of the hip flexors as well as the glutes.
Strong Diagonal Lines
This short practice is great for humans -- if you like to walk, run, and move, this is it!
Sturdy Peace (medium + spicy)
This longer practice focuses on creating stability so we can operate from a place of ease and freedom when times get touch.
Connect The Dots (spicy)
Want some calming heat? This is for you.
Finding Length (spicy)
This class takes most of the movements from the safe strength/medium class and builds upon them, adding weight and heat for a spicier experience!
90/90 Open Rotation With High Lunge
This is a beautiful way to continue working on thoracic rotation skills while also building lower body strength.
Period Vibes (spicy)
This connect is perfect for the later days in your cycle where you still need support but are up for a little more spice.
Digest (spicy)
This is a full spectrum, spicy class for strength building all the muscles you need to mechanically improve digestion, while also releasing the pelvic floor!
Going Deep (spicy)
This is a super fun movement class specifically designed to address deeper pelvic pain (e.g. endometriosis, ovarian cyst pain, fibroids, etc.).
Open and Restore (spicy)
While it was designed for folks with superficial pelvic floor dysfunction, this is a fantastic class for everyone!
But I Want to Run! (spicy)
For all the pals who love a high impact workout, this class will prep you for bigger, bouncier movements with minimal impact on your pelvic floor.
The Great Psoas Release (spicy)
Fun and challenging with lots of rest and restorative work to finish us off.
Inner Spiral (spicy)
Expect the unexpected as we explore internal rotation in a safe and supported manner, then wind down with a delicious restorative pose.
Rotation Revisions (spicy)
This is a fun, vibrant class that integrates both rotation and lateral flexion (thing lengthening the sides of your torso) and hip rotation.
The Other Side of the Equation (spicy)
A grounded, safe way to challenge your lower body strength and improve pelvic floor resilience.
But What About My Hip Flexors? (spicy)
This spicy class adds load to the concepts taught in the safe strength class.
Starfish Energy (spicy)
This class focuses on deep core work without the gripping, as well as external rotation of the hip in order to have full range of motion in the pelvis.
The Slow Down (spicy)
This is all about creating strength and opening through slowing down and breathing.
The Squat Story (spicy)
This spicy class builds on concepts in the safe strength classes and integrates jumping, balance, and plenty of play.
The Pelvic Clock (spicy)
In this fun and challenging class we explore possibilities of the pelvis, considering full internal and external rotation.
Side Plank with Weights!
This is a tough tiny gem designed to support those who are ready for abdominal strengthening in a way that is safe.
The Great Belly Roll (spicy)
This is the class for when you're ready for abdominal work.
Unstick The Stickies (spicy)
This class continues the theme of the work we did in the safe strength class and builds in more thoracic rotation and standing postures.
Safe Space (spicy)
Get that flowy, yummy feeling with solid challenge, while maintaining a feeling of connection and security.
The Inner Thigh Revolution (spicy)
This is a fun and spicy class focused on eccentrically loading the adductors.
Get Bouncy With It (spicy)
This class sets you up to handle higher impact activities like running, jumping, trampolining -- whatever makes you smile!
ButtKicks (With Spice!)
This is a super efficient micro-practice designed to work hip flexors, deep core, pelvic floor, and glutes!
Twisty Sumo Squat
Looking for a killer workout that supports you hip health, pelvic health, and even prep for birth (if that's on your agenda)? This is it!
Fluidity In A Flare (spicy)
This class builds on the concepts in our medium spice class and takes us into standing movements, while staying deeply connected to breath during movement.
Get Bouncy With It 101
A tiny snippet of the longer "Get Bouncy with It" series, this is a great place to begin if you are starting to explore impact work.
A Return To Inner Spiral (spicy)
This is an innovative and challenging (yet accessible!) class designed to specifically work internal rotation of the hips.
Get Into It (spicy)
Building upon the concepts laid out in our safe strength class, we add some weight and challenge in the spicy class!
Happy Butt, Happy Life (spicy)
If you're up for a challenge that works both hip flexion and extension, this is for you!
Corkscrew (spicy)
This class adds to the safe strength sequence with some specialty props!
Criss Cross Walk (full spectrum; medium + spicy)
This is a class all about the diagonals of our body, and improving how we walk!
Wiggle And Rise (spicy)
Building on the safe strength foundation, we spice it up using light weights and getting just a bit further from the ground.
Wall Sit
The wall sit with spice! This is a fantastic way to work the legs, glutes, feet and core with minimal equipment.