Welcome to Ritual Movement.
A space for building resilience, strength, and ease in your pelvis, body, and mind.
Click on any video to start your journey!
(mini) upper body strength quickie
(5.5 min) This is a quick upper body workout using bands!
(mini) lower body strength quickie
(6 min) This is a brief lower body workout using resistance bands!
Rising up
(29 min) This is a flow focused on building lower body strength and mobility necessary to physically get yourself off the floor — physically and emotionally!
Drop & Shoot
(3 min) This is a spicy and challenging way to work hip rotation as well as some glute and upper body strength! Please note that you should feel very comfy in a deep squat to do this successfully. if that’s not the case, try Sumo Squat Twist.
Props: 1-3 lb hand weights.
{mini} Core work + nervous system reset
(9 min) This is a short and sweet class that combines classical core work with nervous system balancing. Prepare to cross midlines, breathe, and move.
Props: optional hand and ankle weights
Essential Pelvic Mobility
This is a short routine that can be an absolute game changer!
Wall Push Tutorial
A beautiful way to get the posterior chain firing and get your lower back feeling stable and secure.
Bounce Jump Impact Tutorial
If you're struggling with incontinence in relation to impact (jumping, running, etc.) this is for you!
Upper Body Strength & Mobility for Parents
This is a slow work strength class is a way to soothe your nervous system while focusing on whole upper body strength and mobility.
Rooted Expansion (medium)
This is a close-to-the-floor class that works deep core musculature.
Seated Rotation With Band
If you're struggling with thoracic rotation, this is a great place to begin!
Deep Core with Hip Flexion
This tutorial uses a very light loop band to get both the deep core and hip flexors firing!
Upside Down Jumps
If you're working on getting into a high impact sport but struggling with incontinence or prolapse, then this is for you!
Core Bridge (Reformer Edition)
If you have access to a long pullup band, this is a wonderful way to do one of my favorite exercises!
The Baby Rolls
Roll just like your baby does and find your deep core.
Lateral Lunge Thoracic Pull Backs
This is a fantastic pelvic floor release and glute strengthener while also working thoracic rotation and strength at the same time.
A Rolling Core
This is an awesome core sequence appropriate for both beginners and experienced movers!
Hip/Femur Release with a Chair
This is an awesome and simple hip release.
High Kneeling Hinge With Halo
This is a multitasking movement that is fantastic for folks struggling with glute and core weakness.
Squat To Plank Walkout At Wall (Part 1)
A lovely way to re-engage with core work during or after a pregnancy or while supporting yourself through pelvic pain.
Squat To Plank Walkout (Part 2)
Three progressive options work quads, glutes, core, and shoulder stabilizers.
Standing Side Plank
Get the obliques, transverse abdominis, and rectus abdominis firing eccentrically while standing at the wall!
Captain Morgan Lunges
This funnily named movement is one of my all time favorites, and a great way to release the pelvic floor.
Hip Hinging
This is a really foundational skill that is critical to building functional strength while also releasing the pelvic floor!
Long Line Stretch
My favorite go-to morning stretch! Perfect if you are feeling just yucky, or have deeper pelvic pain and need a release.
Pre-penetration Practice
This is a great practice to do right before any penetrative activity, including dilator or therawand work and/or penetrative sex!
Open and Restore (medium)
Although this class is designed for folks with superficial pelvic floor dysfunction, it's a fantastic and foundational class for everyone!
Active Psoas Lengthening
This brief tutorial brings both strength and length to the psoas and other major hip flexors.
Core Bridge Variations
If you're in a place where you want to connect more to your core strength but the idea sends shivers down your spine, this is a safe way to begin.
Active Psoas Release Sequence
This is another variation on the many psoas engage and release videos!
90/90 Open Rotation
This sweet practice takes a look at a foundational skill; rotation of the thoracic spine while keeping your hips stable and safe!
Diagonal Long Lines
Explore rotation of all stripes in this sweet and brief practice.
Butt Kicks
Easy to do with no equipment, this movement quickly gets your derriere burning.
Starfish Energy (medium)
This gentle strength building class focuses on deep core activation without gripping.
Seated 90/90
This is a beautiful and brief movement to explore the full range of possibilities in your hips!
The Great Belly Roll (medium)
This is a beautiful sequence focused on self-release of abdominal tissue.
Open Spiral (medium)
This is a beautiful class focusing on opening the front of the body including the abdomen and hip flexors.
Side Plank Roly Poly
This is a sweet practice designed to open the front and side of the torso.
Abdominal Self Release
In my clinical practice, I frequently do a super soothing abdominal release that my clients love. This is the self-release version, and it feels soooo good!
Advanced Supine Core Work
For those who have mastered basic TA activation and want something a bit more challenging, this is for you!
The Ultimate Lunge Series Part 1
Do lunges make your back hurt? If so, this is for you!
The Ultimate Lunge Series Part 2
One of my favorite customizable lunge sequences, this is great for all levels of folks looking to build strength.
Happy Butt, Happy Life (medium)
This fun and juicy class works on balancing the front and back of the hip joint, leading to a lot of fun glute and hip flexor work.
Kneeling Child's Pose Move the Box
This is a beautiful, easeful move the box practice that provides relatively instant calm.
The Happy Belly (medium + spicy)
Build reflexive, responsive core engagement to support the process of having created life!
High Heeled Barbie Foot Exercise
I love this practice to really get into the feet effectively.
Mini Squat with a Heel Lift Spice
Amazing for building intrinsic foot and calf strength (but also glutes and core!)
Twisty Thoracic Spine Stretch
This funky floor movement is great for opening the chest and mid-upper back!