Welcome to Ritual Movement.
A space for building resilience, strength, and ease in your pelvis, body, and mind.
Click on any video to start your journey!
Hip Opening Somatic Flow
(10 min) This is a short somatic flow using hip openers to calm the nervous system.
Easy floor somatics
(11 min) This is a “chill vibes only” short flow for when you’re just not feeling… anything. Wonderful if you’re sick, burnt out, tired, or all of the above.
Seated somatics short flow
(8 min) This is a short seated somatic flow. Great if you have a little bit of energy but not a ton and need to regulate.
Essential Pelvic Mobility
This is a short routine that can be an absolute game changer!
Let it Flow
Get into the pelvis and open it from every angle! That's the goal here in this flow, designed specifically for period pain but honestly, good for any time.
Supine Hip Mobility & Strength
If you're struggling with pelvic pain or any kind of hip dysfunction, this is a great and safe way to begin mobilizing!
Vacation Mode: Rest
Here is one way to soothe your stressed AF nervous system with minimal equipment!
Side Lying Thoracic Release
If you're struggling with abdominal pain, hip flexor discomfort, or thoracic rotation challenges, this is a fantastic all in one!
Hip/Femur Release with a Chair
This is an awesome and simple hip release.
Restorative Hip Flexor Release
One of my favorite releases, this will calm down angry hip flexors quickly.
The Rolly Psoas
This is a full body psoas release class that stays close to the ground and embraces gentle release for powerful results.
Period Pain Release Move the Box
This twisty move the box is perfect if you are struggling with deep pelvic pain.
Relax Your Back!
This is a short practice to release the fascia in the lumbar spine and lengthen the thoracic spine as well!
Supine Hip Mobility with a Block
This is a really powerful way to release the pelvic floor by activating the muscles in and around it via hip rotation.
Sick Season (mellow)
If you're truly needing to CHILL but also struggling with pain, this is the class for you!
Open Space Triangle
An amazing release for pelvic congestion, deep pelvic pain, or rectal pain!
Hip Rotation Tutorial
This is a mini practice of hip rotation essentials! Super helpful if you experience hip pain or deep pelvic floor dysfunction.
Connect the dots (mellow)
A full blown psoas release party!
Finding Length (restorative)
This class should be called psoas-palooza!
Get Your Shi* Out
This is the longer version of a routine designed for folks with outlet constipation.
Get Your Shi* Out Short Routine
This is for folks with outlet constipation -- aka, a tight butt. A short routine you can do on the daily is here!
Finding Pelvic Space (mellow)
This is a class for when you're feeling totally disconnected to your pelvis and need to be extra gentle in supporting it.
SI Quickie Support
This simple video is my go-to for stabilizing and calming the sacroiliac "SI" joint.
Finding Pelvic Space
This is a short tutorial on how to get more physically and emotionally comfortable with your pelvic space.
Happy Baby Variations
A great way to spice up your day and open the adductors (inner thighs).
Perfect for opening the hip flexors and relieving tension in the lower abdomen.
Period Vibes (medium)
When you're feeling overwhelmed with cramps and want to curl into a ball, sometimes active movement is the most beneficial thing!
Period Vibes (mellow)
This is the class for when you really, really do want to curl into a ball.
Belly Hang
Awesome for releasing abdominal tension, this is a great go-to for those with bladder pain, IBS, or other abdominopelvic pain.
360 Breathing
A must watch! 360 breathing is the foundation of pelvic floor recovery.
Digest (mellow)
When you're feeling like you need to move some unneeded waste out of your bod, this is a great go-to class.
Inner Spiral (mellow)
This class is a restorative class that encourages internal rotation of the hip.
Going Deep (mellow)
This is an old school restorative class, meaning that there are a minimal amount of poses that are held for a longer period of time.
Hip Hinging
This is a really foundational skill that is critical to building functional strength while also releasing the pelvic floor!
Long Line Stretch
My favorite go-to morning stretch! Perfect if you are feeling just yucky, or have deeper pelvic pain and need a release.
Pre-penetration Practice
This is a great practice to do right before any penetrative activity, including dilator or therawand work and/or penetrative sex!
Open and Restore (mellow)
A beautiful, feel good sequence for everyone!
Isometric Lunge
For folks struggling to build strength due to severe chronic pain, this video explores isometric movement for a basic lunge as well as pelvic floor opening.
Digest and Open
A sweet and brief movement practice designed to improve digestion and open the pelvic floor!
Restorative Psoas Release
Release your psoas in this beautiful supported pose.
Pelvic Offloading (chair variation)
This is a short and sweet practice that is fantastic when you're experiencing deeper pelvic pain and need to get gravity out of the equation!
The Great Psoas Release (mellow)
If you feel like you are in a state of "fight or flight" this is your class.
Coccyx Pain Relief
A short practice to improve coccyx mobility.
Yin-style Hamstring Release
This is a beautiful opportunity to release stubborn fascia around the hamstrings and posterior chain - also fantastic if you have a "tight back"!
Breathe Better
If you're feeling stuck in your breath, this is a great place to troubleshoot.
Pelvic Offloading (Bolster edition!)
If you're experiencing a lot of pelvic pressure or lower abdominal tension, this is the gem box for you!
Figure 8s
This is one of my favorite "assessments" to check in with my body and pelvis.
Rotation Revisions (mellow)
This is a gentle class perfect for digestive woes and opening up the thoracic spine in a much more passive manner.
Legs Up The Wall
Legs up the wall is amazing for supporting sleep and reducing pelvic congestion.
Good Vibrations (mellow)
This is a gooey movement class designed to help you establish improved range of motion throughout the pelvis.
The Other Side of the Equation (mellow)
This is the perfect class for when your glutes and hamstrings need a little love and stretch.
Travel Mode: Deep Summer Restorative
If you've been traveling and need to CHILL, this is for you.
The Sick Series (mellow)
This is a classical restorative yoga class, with lots of pillow propping and longer holds.
Back Attack (medium)
If you're in a flare, or regularly deal with lower back and/or sacroiliac pain, this is a great class for you!
Sciatic Nerve Glide
If you're struggling with sciatic nerve pain, this is a great go-to.
Back Attack (mellow)
This is a classic restorative set to release the psoas and hip flexors that can so often contribute to back discomfort.
Coccyx Pain Support, Part 2
This tiny gem focuses more on one-sided ways to access and release the coccyx and pelvic floor.
Prone Waterfall
One of my favorite restorative positions, this is great if you're having a difficulty time connecting to breathing, or if you're experiencing significant anxiety.
Nerve Floss
This simple movement aims to reduce neural tension, aka inhibited movement in nerves and the spinal cord causing mayhem!
But What About My Hip Flexors? (mellow)
This is a sweet sequence of traditional restorative poses, which means lots of props and long holds!
Prone Internal Rotation
Maybe it's not everyone's favorite, but this is a super important movement to work on, particularly if you experience pelvic or rectal pain!
Starfish Breath Practice
This is a four minute breath practice using arm movements and props to open the chest - it feels awesome!
Starfish Energy (mellow)
Release your psoas and hip rotators in this mellow restorative class!
Restorative Squat
Take a quick moment to get all the pelvic floor benefits of a squat with minimal effort.
Supported Squat Breath
This is a brief breath practice that supports pelvic floor release while expanding the breath into the thoracic spine and back-body.
Seated 90/90
This is a beautiful and brief movement to explore the full range of possibilities in your hips!
The Squat Story (mellow)
Explore the squat shape in different orientations and get all the pelvic floor benefits while resting your nervous system.
The Shotgun
This is a maneuver that many clinicians (including myself!) do regularly to "reset" the pelvis using muscular activation.
Rock Back Breath Practice
In this "move the box" breath practice we practice box breathing (inhale, hold, exhale, hold) with gentle rock back movements.
The Pelvic Clock (mellow)
In this "gooey movement" restorative class, we explore the movement opportunities of the pelvis in a gentle way.
Intercostal Box Breath
This is a beautiful breath practice designed to release the muscles in between the ribs, improve breath, and release abdominal and pelvic floor tension.
The Great Belly Roll (mellow)
This is a classic restorative format class to release abdominal fascia.
Sciatic Nerve Glide Box Breath
A twist on the beloved sciatic nerve glide!
Unstick The Stickies (mellow)
This is a fun and soothing restorative class aimed at opening the adductors (inner thighs) and hamstrings.
Wall Nerve Floss Move the Box
This is a beautiful short practice, particularly if you experience any back pain.
Safe Space (mellow)
This restorative class uses the wall as a shoulder to lean on when you're feeling not entirely up to snuff.
Lateral Lunge Move The Box
This is a short gem box "move the box" practice where we combine movement with box breathing.
Open Spiral (mellow)
This is a deeply nourishing class focusing on opening the hip flexors and the front body.
Bridge To A Happier Pelvis (mellow)
This is a sweet class focusing on how to make a traditional "backbend" shape very accessible.
Abdominal Self Release
In my clinical practice, I frequently do a super soothing abdominal release that my clients love. This is the self-release version, and it feels soooo good!
Restorative Supta Baddha Konasana
This is a classic yoga pose that has been shown in one research study to be a super effective position for relaxing the pelvic floor!
Round The World of Your Hips (mellow)
This sweet restorative class remains all about hip mobility.
Fluidity In A Flare (mellow)
A little bit of gooey movement with some longer holds, this class integrates lots of belly-down soothing poses.
Restorative Windshield Wipers
This is a beautiful movement if you're struggling with a tight IT band, hip flexors, or inner thighs.
Get Into It (mellow)
This is a sweet and quick restorative class designed to release the hip flexors and support those with deeper pelvic pain.
Gooey And Gold Mini: Abundance
This sweet little class incorporates gentle back bends and intercostal release via rolling.
Gooey And Gold Mini: Freedom
A sweet little practice designed to find expansion in the psoas, middle of the body, and release the hips.
Gooey And Gold: Freedom
This is a sweet, ground-focused class that strives to open the psoas through both longer holds and gentle movement.
Happy Butt, Happy Life (mellow)
This is a sweet and gentle variation of releasing glutes and hip flexors.
Dynamic Stability (mellow)
Experiencing lower back pain and just not up for working at all? This is your video.
Corkscrew (mellow)
Feeling sick, sluggish, or stuck? This is a cozy and mobile class all about opening up the diagonals of the body.
Reclined Hamstring Stretch (Supta Padangusthasana)
This is a beautiful stretch for anyone, but particularly helpful if you have painful sex or pelvic pain, or if you have tight hip flexors.
Yin Inner Thigh Release
If you have tension in your pelvic floor and inner thighs, this is the move for you!
Twisty Thoracic Spine Stretch
This funky floor movement is great for opening the chest and mid-upper back!
Wiggle and Rise (mellow)
This quick restorative class focuses on releasing the hip flexors and mid spine.