Welcome to Ritual Movement.

A space for building resilience, strength, and ease in your pelvis, body, and mind.

Click on any video to start your journey!

  • High Kneeling Core Bridge

    This is a short and sweet progression of the beloved core bridge.

  • Rock Back Breath Practice

    In this "move the box" breath practice we practice box breathing (inhale, hold, exhale, hold) with gentle rock back movements.

  • The Pelvic Clock (spicy)

    In this fun and challenging class we explore possibilities of the pelvis, considering full internal and external rotation.

  • The Pelvic Clock (medium)

    This class explores the concept of the pelvic clock, or movement coming from all areas of the pelvis and the hip joint.

  • The Pelvic Clock (mellow)

    In this "gooey movement" restorative class, we explore the movement opportunities of the pelvis in a gentle way.

  • Self Massage for your Pelvic Floor!

    If you experience painful sex that occurs primarily with initial penetration, this can be a really helpful and accessible technique, with no special equipment needed!

  • Seated 90/90

    This is a beautiful and brief movement to explore the full range of possibilities in your hips!

  • The Squat Story (mellow)

    Explore the squat shape in different orientations and get all the pelvic floor benefits while resting your nervous system. 

  • What's a Fake UTI?

    Ever had constant burning that just won't quit? Could be pelvic floor tension!

  • Why Glute Work?

    It's an untraditional but highly effective approach! Watch this short explanation to learn more.

  • The Importance of Thoracic Rotation

    If this platform is all about pelvic health, why are we learning how to rotate our upper back? This quickie Learn video digs into why!

  • What's Up with Urge?

    If you have to pee all. the. time. or you experience big urges to pee that hit you in consistent patterns, this video is for you.

  • The Shotgun

    This is a maneuver that many clinicians (including myself!) do regularly to "reset" the pelvis using muscular activation.

  • Abdominal Massage

    One great option for improving constipation symptoms is physically stimulating the bowel and other parts of the digestive system with massage.

  • The Squat Story (spicy)

    This spicy class builds on concepts in the safe strength classes and integrates jumping, balance, and plenty of play.

  • Constipation Relief Options

    Here are just a few things that can support bowel health.

  • Chronic Pain 101

    This short Learn video discusses pain perception, and why movement is so important for improving our experience of the world around us.

  • Types of Constipation

    Did you know that there are multiple reasons why you could be backed up? This video shows you why we do the different movements that we do!

  • Anatomy of the Pelvic Floor

    This is a brief primer on pelvic floor muscles as they relate to pelvic pain.

  • The Squat Story Part 2 (medium)

    In part two of this series, we explore different kinds of squats with lots of support and props.

  • The Squat Story Part 1

    This class digs into the essential elements of a squat, including ankle mobility, hip flexion, and tibial rotation.

  • Restorative Squat

    Take a quick moment to get all the pelvic floor benefits of a squat with minimal effort.

  • Supported Squat Breath

    This is a brief breath practice that supports pelvic floor release while expanding the breath into the thoracic spine and back-body. 

  • The Slow Down (spicy)

    This is all about creating strength and opening through slowing down and breathing.

  • The Multitasker

    Named for an amazing momma, this movement packs a punch!

  • Prone Internal Rotation

    Maybe it's not everyone's favorite, but this is a super important movement to work on, particularly if you experience pelvic or rectal pain! 

  • Starfish Breath Practice

    This is a four minute breath practice using arm movements and props to open the chest - it feels awesome! 

  • Starfish Energy (spicy)

    This class focuses on deep core work without the gripping, as well as external rotation of the hip in order to have full range of motion in the pelvis. 

  • Starfish Energy (medium)

    This gentle strength building class focuses on deep core activation without gripping.

  • Starfish Energy (mellow)

    Release your psoas and hip rotators in this mellow restorative class! 

  • TA Engagement on the Wall

    This is an awesome way to get your deep core going while supporting breath mechanics.

  • Butt Kicks

    Easy to do with no equipment, this movement quickly gets your derriere burning. 

  • But What About My Hip Flexors? (spicy)

    This spicy class adds load to the concepts taught in the safe strength class.

  • But What About My Hip Flexors (medium)

    For all the folks with super tight hip flexors that never respond to stretching, this class is for you!

  • But What About My Hip Flexors? (mellow)

    This is a sweet sequence of traditional restorative poses, which means lots of props and long holds!

  • Banded Squats

    A fantastic go-to movement if you are just beginning your pelvic floor healing journey.

  • Nerve Floss

    This simple movement aims to reduce neural tension, aka inhibited movement in nerves and the spinal cord causing mayhem!

  • Peaceful Belly (spicy)

    This is a full spectrum class that allows you to work on strengthening your abdominal muscles while not over-activating them.

  • Prone Waterfall

    One of my favorite restorative positions, this is great if you're having a difficulty time connecting to breathing, or if you're experiencing significant anxiety.

  • Coccyx Pain Support, Part 2

    This tiny gem focuses more on one-sided ways to access and release the coccyx and pelvic floor.

  • Hip Dips

    This is a quick but effective rotational movement to engage the glutes while also lengthening them.

  • Back Attack (medium)

    If you're in a flare, or regularly deal with lower back and/or sacroiliac pain, this is a great class for you!

  • Back Attack (mellow)

    This is a classic restorative set to release the psoas and hip flexors that can so often contribute to back discomfort.

  • Sciatic Nerve Glide

    If you're struggling with sciatic nerve pain, this is a great go-to.

  • Diagonal Long Lines

    Explore rotation of all stripes in this sweet and brief practice.

  • The Sick Series (medium)

    Ever feel truly knocked out, but know you need to move? This class can be done entirely from bed with minimal/no props.

  • The Sick Series (spicy)

    For the days when you are recovering from illness, or are limited in your mobility but still want to work on strength.

  • The Sick Series (mellow)

    This is a classical restorative yoga class, with lots of pillow propping and longer holds.

  • The Other Side of the Equation (spicy)

    A grounded, safe way to challenge your lower body strength and improve pelvic floor resilience.

  • The Other Side of the Equation (medium)

    Imagine a class that's like a warm, nourishing comfort food. That's this class!

  • The Other Side of the Equation (mellow)

    This is the perfect class for when your glutes and hamstrings need a little love and stretch.

  • Takeoff and Seesaw

    This is a foundational skill for anyone doing any single leg activity - e.g. walking, running, etc.

  • Legs Up The Wall

    Legs up the wall is amazing for supporting sleep and reducing pelvic congestion.

  • Good Vibrations (mellow)

    This is a gooey movement class designed to help you establish improved range of motion throughout the pelvis.

  • Good Vibrations (medium)

    This Safe Strength class explores both linear and rotational movement of the hips to strengthen the glutes and release the inner thighs and pelvic floor.

  • 90/90 Open Rotation

    This sweet practice takes a look at a foundational skill; rotation of the thoracic spine while keeping your hips stable and safe!

  • Rotation Revisions (spicy)

    This is a fun, vibrant class that integrates both rotation and lateral flexion (thing lengthening the sides of your torso) and hip rotation.

  • Rotation Revisions (mellow)

    This is a gentle class perfect for digestive woes and opening up the thoracic spine in a much more passive manner.

  • Rotation Revisions (medium)

    If you've ever wondered why twisting causes low back or pelvic pain, this is the class for you!

  • Activate Your Glutes!

    This video focuses specifically on the "side pocket" muscle, the gluteus medius.

  • Core Bridge Variations

    If you're in a place where you want to connect more to your core strength but the idea sends shivers down your spine, this is a safe way to begin.

  • Active Psoas Release Sequence

    This is another variation on the many psoas engage and release videos!

  • Foot Strength and Mobility

    Good foot mobility and strength is wildly important for pelvic floor health, so here's an opportunity to begin to engage with it.

  • Pelvic Offloading (Bolster edition!)

    If you're experiencing a lot of pelvic pressure or lower abdominal tension, this is the gem box for you!

  • Figure 8s

    This is one of my favorite "assessments" to check in with my body and pelvis.

  • Isometric Lunge

    For folks struggling to build strength due to severe chronic pain, this video explores isometric movement for a basic lunge as well as pelvic floor opening.

  • Inner Spiral (spicy)

    Expect the unexpected as we explore internal rotation in a safe and supported manner, then wind down with a delicious restorative pose.

  • Inner Spiral (medium)

    This Embody class addresses internal rotation of the hip in an active position in all kinds of positions.

  • The Equalizer, Part 2 (standing)

    This is a short practice that builds on the work of The Equalizer and puts it into weight bearing!

  • The Equalizer

    Strengthen and engage the hamstrings and glutes as well as engage the hip flexors for more balance in the pelvis.

  • Coccyx Pain Relief

    A short practice to improve coccyx mobility.

  • Yin-style Hamstring Release

    This is a beautiful opportunity to release stubborn fascia around the hamstrings and posterior chain - also fantastic if you have a "tight back"!

  • Breathe Better

    If you're feeling stuck in your breath, this is a great place to troubleshoot.

  • Active Psoas Lengthening

    This brief tutorial brings both strength and length to the psoas and other major hip flexors.

  • Digest and Open

    A sweet and brief movement practice designed to improve digestion and open the pelvic floor!

  • Pelvic Offloading (chair variation)

    This is a short and sweet practice that is fantastic when you're experiencing deeper pelvic pain and need to get gravity out of the equation!

  • The Great Psoas Release (spicy)

    Fun and challenging with lots of rest and restorative work to finish us off.

  • The Great Psoas Release (medium)

    If you experience pain with sitting, walking, running, groin pain, etc. -- this is your class!

  • The Great Psoas Release (mellow)

    If you feel like you are in a state of "fight or flight" this is your class.

  • Restorative Psoas Release

    Release your psoas in this beautiful supported pose.

  • But I Want to Run! (spicy)

    For all the pals who love a high impact workout, this class will prep you for bigger, bouncier movements with minimal impact on your pelvic floor.

  • Open and Restore (spicy)

    While it was designed for folks with superficial pelvic floor dysfunction, this is a fantastic class for everyone!

  • Open and Restore (medium)

    Although this class is designed for folks with superficial pelvic floor dysfunction, it's a fantastic and foundational class for everyone!

  • Open and Restore (mellow)

    A beautiful, feel good sequence for everyone!

  • Dilator Strategy

    If you're intimidated by using dilators, this video is for you!

  • Therawands Versus Dilators

    If you've considered using a therawand or a dilator, but aren't sure which is appropriate for you, check out this video!

  • Pre-penetration Practice

    This is a great practice to do right before any penetrative activity, including dilator or therawand work and/or penetrative sex!

  • Captain Morgan Lunges

    This funnily named movement is one of my all time favorites, and a great way to release the pelvic floor.

  • TA Activation

    This is a short tutorial on how to activate the transverse abdominis, the deepest muscle in the abdominal wall.

  • Long Line Stretch

    My favorite go-to morning stretch! Perfect if you are feeling just yucky, or have deeper pelvic pain and need a release.

  • Hip Hinging

    This is a really foundational skill that is critical to building functional strength while also releasing the pelvic floor!

  • Going Deep (spicy)

    This is a super fun movement class specifically designed to address deeper pelvic pain (e.g. endometriosis, ovarian cyst pain, fibroids, etc.).

  • Going Deep (medium)

    This movement class addresses deep pelvic organ and myofascial pain.

  • Going Deep (mellow)

    This is an old school restorative class, meaning that there are a minimal amount of poses that are held for a longer period of time.

  • SI Corrective (medium)

    This very special Safe Strengthening class is perfect for whenever your back says "no thanks!" to life.

  • Inner Spiral (mellow)

    This class is a restorative class that encourages internal rotation of the hip.

  • Perineal Tearing

    If you're pregnant or had a vaginal delivery, this is a must-watch! Learn more about perineal tears and what the specific grading means from a musculoskeletal perspective.

  • Perineal Scar Care

    Painful sex postpartum got you down? If you had a vaginal delivery, scar tissue may be contributing to this experience.

  • C-section and Abdominal Scar Care

    This is a great place to start if you're seeking support for your scar healing journey!

  • Digest (spicy)

    This is a full spectrum, spicy class for strength building all the muscles you need to mechanically improve digestion, while also releasing the pelvic floor!

  • Digest (medium)

    This is a class dedicated to open twists and building strength that supports digestion.

  • Digest (mellow)

    When you're feeling like you need to move some unneeded waste out of your bod, this is a great go-to class.

  • Belly Hang

    Awesome for releasing abdominal tension, this is a great go-to for those with bladder pain, IBS, or other abdominopelvic pain.

  • 360 Breathing

    A must watch! 360 breathing is the foundation of pelvic floor recovery.

  • Period Vibes (spicy)

    This connect is perfect for the later days in your cycle where you still need support but are up for a little more spice.

  • Period Vibes (medium)

    When you're feeling overwhelmed with cramps and want to curl into a ball, sometimes active movement is the most beneficial thing!

  • Period Vibes (mellow)

    This is the class for when you really, really do want to curl into a ball.

  • Happy Baby Variations

    A great way to spice up your day and open the adductors (inner thighs).

  • X-stretch

    Perfect for opening the hip flexors and relieving tension in the lower abdomen.

  • Finding Pelvic Space

    This is a short tutorial on how to get more physically and emotionally comfortable with your pelvic space.

  • SI Quickie Support

    This simple video is my go-to for stabilizing and calming the sacroiliac "SI" joint.

  • Finding Pelvic Space (mellow)

    This is a class for when you're feeling totally disconnected to your pelvis and need to be extra gentle in supporting it.